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Explore our pre-built, ready-to-use, customizable, and business-friendly Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Reference Framework and Examples. Designed for use with our workshops and consulting services, this framework will deliver exceptional value to your pharmaceutical enterprise architecture practice.

The Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Reference Framework and Examples offered by Business Architecture Info for life science, medical device, and generic drugs companies, ​include the following:


  • over 3,400 business capabilities,

  • over 1,500 information types,

  • 48 detailed value streams to deliver better and more precise architecture for your agile delivery team,

  • over 2,500 application assets or services categorized by the level-1 business capability they support,

  • over 450 diagrams,

  • Business Case 1: Product Launch to a New Market Segment,

  • Business Case 2: Improving Product Candidates' Portfolio Management Using Artificial Intelligence, and

  • Business Case 3: Optimizing Clinical Trial Patient Selection Using Artificial Intelligence.


This reference framework is crafted based on comments from our clients and our Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Info Committee.  The 3 Members of our committee include:


  • Julia Ivashina, Senior Enterprise R&D Architect, at AstraZeneca in MA USA,

  • Mohan Kumar, Enterprise Data Architect at Apotex in Canada, and

  • Zoltán Simon, Domain Architect - CMC Digitalisation at Novo Nordisk in Denmark.


​​Designed for use with our workshops and consulting services, this framework will deliver enhanced exceptional value to your energy and utilities enterprise architecture practice. Please inquire about our 2 Excel datasets or 4 PDF files. Ask for a 30-minute meeting now.

Pharmaceutical Level 1 Capability Map


The Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Reference Framework consists of over 3,400 business capabilities that are several levels deep. Over 1,750 of them are pharma-specific. Business capabilities are segmented into 9 tiers, including Pharmaceutical, B2B Client-Driven, Manufacturing, Human Resources, Strategy, Marketing and sales, Enterprise Support, Finance and accounting, and Governance and compliance.


The Excel file includes the level, the nomenclature, a detailed description of each business capability, and cross-map relationships to value streams/value stages, and information concepts. 

48 Pharmaceutical Value Streams List


The Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Reference Framework consists of 48 pharmaceutical, patient / client-driven, strategic, or supporting detailed value streams, with their participating stakeholders. 30 of these value streams are linked to their enabling capabilities. 13 of these value streams are linked to required information types.


The Excel file includes the nomenclature, a detailed description of each value stream/value stage, and cross-map relationships to business capabilities and stakeholders. 

Pharmaceutical Level-1 Information Types


The Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Reference Framework consists of over 1,500 information types that are several levels deep. The pharmaceutical information types are currently segmented into 29 level-1 information types.


The Excel file includes the level, the nomenclature, and a detailed description of each information type.

Pharmaceutical - Number of Applications - version 3.2.2


This Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Framework provides a comprehensive collection of over 2,500 application assets and services. Each entry is organized according to one of the 78 level-1 business capabilities defined in this Pharmaceutical Business Architecture Framework.


Each application includes a detailed description, pricing information (where available), the name of the vendor, and a direct link to the application's webpage for further reference.

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